Delano Estate Planning Lawyer
Seasoned Estate Planning Attorney Proudly Helping Delano Families Plan Bright Futures
When it comes to ensuring that your family enjoys a bright and secure future, there are crucial steps you can take today. Waldron Law Offices, Ltd. is committed to ensuring Delano individuals and their families put the necessary legal documents in place so that, when the time comes, the legacy and financial well-being of each family member is secure. We offer a wide range of estate planning services, including the creation of wills, trusts, powers of attorney documents, health care directives, and assistance with the probate process. Reach out to us today to get started.
As you may know, a will is a legal document that specifies your wishes for the dispersement of your estate upon your death. When an individual does not have a will in place, the Minnesota court steps in and makes these key decisions, meaning that a judge will have the final say. If you have a specific vision about how you would like to distribute your estate, it is crucial that you put a will in place so that these wishes will be known and upheld. We will work with you to clearly articulate your vision for the dispersal of your assets and the future of your legacy.
There are many instances when creating a trust can help you and your beneficiaries manage your estate. Some trusts are created while you are still alive, granting you the authority to continue to manage them as long as you are able to do so. Then, upon your death, the trust automatically assumes authority over your estate, and the dispersal of any assets is handled by your trustee. The trustee is typically a family member, a trusted friend, or a financial professional. We will help you determine which type of trust best serves the needs of you and your family, so that you can breathe easier knowing your loved ones will be in safe hands.
Once a person passes away, their estate enters probate. Probate is a period of time wherein the estate is valued, any outstanding debts or taxes are paid, and any remaining assets are dispersed among beneficiaries. Without a will in place, a person’s estate almost certainly falls into probate, allowing a Minnesota probate judge to take these required actions. Sometimes, even an estate with a will becomes subject to probate. If you have questions about probate, or if your family is facing probate, Waldron Law Offices, Ltd. is ready to provide you with the answers and assistance you need. Call us today to get started.
Powers of Attorney
There are many times where you may find it useful for a trusted individual to handle business or personal transactions on your behalf. For example, you may have an important real estate or business deal in another state, but you are unable to physically attend. Bestowing someone with the authority to sign a legal document in your stead would be immensely useful. As we discuss each aspect of your estate plan, we will determine how a powers of attorney document could benefit you and your family. Reach out today to learn more.
Health Care Directives
While it may feel premature to think about your wishes for various medical procedures or interventions, it is crucial to have clear health care directives in place that provide clear instructions, should the unthinkable happen. If you suddenly find yourself too incapacitated to articulate your medical wishes, a health care directive will present your desires to those in charge of your medical care. Together, we will discuss various scenarios and put together a clear health care directive that makes your treatment wishes known.
Proudly Serving Delano for Over 36 Years
It is time to put the necessary documents in place to protect your family’s future. Reach out to Waldron Law Offices, Ltd. today to get started with a trusted and knowledgeable estate planning attorney. We are committed to providing you with information, support, and advocacy that will enable you to make each important decision. Call us today to schedule your free initial consultation.